How to study MBBS Abroad without NEET 2023

How to study MBBS Abroad without NEET 2023

Studying for an MBBS in another country is a dream of numerous students, particularly from India (Studentship). However, the entry conditions, like being able to pass the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), are intimidating. However, there is an option to study MBBS abroad without the need to pass NEET if you're willing to work hard. This guide will explain in-depth how you can pursue an MBBS abroad without taking NEET.

Overview of Studying MBBS Abroad Without NEET

NEET is an entrance exam conducted only to gain admission to dental and medical courses in India. Medical entrance exams are every year in the mid and late. It is a computer-based exam comprising two parts: A multiple-choice questions (MCQ) area and one for essays. The MCQ section is 100 marks. The essay section has 600 marks.

Students will receive a total of 800 marks. The minimum requirement is 50% marks to pass the medical entrance test. Because NEET is the only exam that allows students to pursue medical studies in India, Many students opt to pursue MBBS in other countries without the exam.

But, pursuing MBBS abroad can be a lengthy and complicated procedure that requires meticulous preparation. It is essential to locate the appropriate university, be accepted during admissions, pass the necessary language and tests for proficiency, and apply for a student visa.

Step-by-Step Guide to Studying MBBS Abroad Without NEET

The first step for students to pursue MBBS abroad without NEET is choosing the best university. An institution recognized as a National Medical Commission (NMC) member is the most suitable option. But, as it is not an officially approved list of accredited schools, it is recommended to select a school recommended by students who studied with no NEET.

The information is available on websites and forums for students who want to study MBBS in other countries without NEET. The next step is to submit an application for admission to the school and complete the admissions procedure. Apply at least a year before the date you want to be admitted.

It will give you sufficient time to study for the necessary proficiency tests and apply for a visa. It is now possible to begin preparing for your medical entrance examinations in your country of origin by joining forums online and other websites that are dedicated to the area. It is also possible to take online classes on these subjects. The final and most crucial step is to apply for scholarships. You can apply for merit-based or medical-based scholarships or both. Applying for loans and grants to help you pay for your education is also possible.

With this information, you can take your MBBS course MBBS abroad and pass NEET successfully.

Selecting the Right University

NEET only accepts institutions that are accredited as such by NMC. There isn't an officially recognized list of these schools; therefore, you must choose an institution recommended by students who have completed their studies without NEET. The information is available on websites and forums designed explicitly for studying MBBS in other countries without NEET.

Applying for Scholarships

The next step is applying for scholarships. It is possible to apply for merit-based or medical-based scholarships or both. Applying for loans and grants to help you pay for your education is also possible.

There are numerous websites to learn about various scholarships and funding options. Additionally, you can find details about scholarships for studying MBBS in another country without NEET on forums online.

With this information, you will be able to take your MBBS course MBBS in another country without NEET without success.


Studying for an MBBS degree abroad is a goal for many students, particularly those from India. However, the entry requirements, like being able to pass the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), are intimidating.

If you're willing to work hard, you can study MBBS abroad without taking NEET. This guide provides an in-depth explanation of how you can study MBBS abroad without the test, with details on picking the best university to study at, preparing for the medical entrance tests, and then seeking out scholarships.

With the proper guidance and determination, You can complete your MBBS abroad without sitting for NEET.


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